On-line Paper Submission
Abstract/Summary Submission Deadline : April 30, 2009
Extended to May 26, 2009
Step. 1 Obtain your ID and PW.
Step. 2 Submit your Abstract/Summary in MS-Word.
Step. 3 After your abstract/summary submission, corresponding author will receive the confirmation letter from the IMID 2009 Secretariat within a week by e-mail.
* If you have not received the confirmation letter within one week, please feel free to contact us.
  (Email: imidkids@k-ids.or.kr / Tel: +82-42-472-7463)
Modifying Paper
In order to view, edit, or withdraw the submitted paper, you need to click ˇ°Modifyˇ± button after login with your ID and PW. If you have a problem to find your ID and PW, please feel free to contact us at imidkids@k-ids.or.kr or (T) +82-42-472-7463.