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  • Room E (Room 321)
  • 45. 3D Display IV
  • August 21, 2015 (Friday)
  • 09:00 ~ 10:30
  • [45-2]
  • 09:25 ~ 09:50
  • Title:[Invited]  Future of 4D Light Field Display
  • Takafumi?Koike (Hosei Univ., Japan)

  • Abstract: We describe what is the goal of light field display in the future. 4D Light field display is becoming common 3D dis¡©play. We think that next 3D display we have to study is a 5D Plenoptic display. As a matter of course, holog¡©raphy is very important 3D display technology we have to develop. However, existing 3D display technology can¡¯t display something like an inside of an object, which images depends on depth position of an observer. We show a classification of light field display by sampling dimension of light field. 5D Light Field display is displaying light filed which is known as Plenoptic function.Candidate 5D light field display are a light filed based HMD or a HMD with refocus imaging. Autostereoscopic 5D light field display will be difficult for a while.

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