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  • Room E (Room 321)
  • 45. 3D Display IV
  • August 21, 2015 (Friday)
  • 09:00 ~ 10:30
  • [45-4]
  • 09:50 ~ 10:05
  • Title:Physically-Based Crosstalk Model in Stereoscopic 3D LCDs
  • Dong-Gun Lee, Jong-Man Kim, and Seung-Woo Lee (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)

  • Abstract: This paper proposes a physically-based crosstalk characterization model to predict crosstalk of stereoscopic liquid crystal display (LCD) with film-type patterned retarder (FPR) very accurately. The proposed method is established by the accurate color information model considering light leakage of LCDs. Experimental results show that the proposed model accurately predicts the crosstalk regardless of the opposite images.

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