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The tutorials are aimed to provide introductory courses for the newcomers to the information display technologies, and scheduled on August 28, 2012. Prominent speakers will talk for the following areas: “OLED Lighting Technology”, “AMOLED Technology”, “3D Display Technology”, and “Flexible Display Technology”. |
Stack Design for OLED Lighting Applications
- Dr. Andreas Haldi (Novaled, Germany) |
Technology Integration for Manufacturing of Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diodes for Lighting and Displays
- Dr. Jack Levell (Holst Center, the Netherlands) |
OLED Lighting
- Dr. Munisamy Anandan (Organic Lighting Technologies LLC, USA) |
From Pixels to Panels: The Design of OLED Materials and Devices
- Dr. Sean Xia (Universal Display Co, USA) |
PenTile Subpixel Rendering Technology for High Resolution AMOLED Displays
- Dr. Candice Elliott (Nouvoyance, USA) |
AMOLED Circuit Technology
- Prof. Reiji Hattori (Kyshu Univ., Japan) |
3D Imaging and Display through Integral Photography
- Prof. Manuel Martinez Corral (Univ. of Valencia, Spain) |
Introductory Talks on Technologies for Stereoscopic 3D LCD Systems
- Dr. Seon Ki Kim (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Korea) |
The Causes of Discomfort in Stereo 3D Displays: A View from Vision Science
- Dr. Simon Watt (Bangor Univ., UK) |
Flexible TFT Materials and Devices
- Prof. Henning Sirringhaus (Univ. of Cambridge, UK) |
Thin Film Transistors on Foil and Their Application for Flexible Displays and Flexible Smart System Integration
- Dr. Paul Heremans (IMEC, Belgium) |
Printed Flexible Electronics
- Dr. SangYun Lee (Samsung Advanced Inst. of Tech., Korea) |
Last Updated August 3, 2012