As the conference is around the corner, we would like to, once again, express our appreciation for your contributions towards the IMID 2012. Regarding your presentation, please kindly find the presentation instruction and other detailed information prepared for you. |
Please kindly check the date and time of your presentation session through the Final Program. Please note that the Final Program contains details of all sessions and speakers. The Floor Plan including the session rooms will soon be announced on the website. |
I) Presentation Time |
i. Invited Talk: 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A
ii. Oral Talk: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A |
II) In order to keep the sessions running to the set schedule and to allow possible questions from the audience,
it is very important to keep presentation within the allocated time. |
• All speakers are to prepare for a PowerPoint presentation.
• You can preview your materials at the preview room.
• You must save your presentation materials in USB memory stick, CD-Rom or on your own laptop and bring to the
session room prior to the beginning of the session. |
a. If your PowerPoint presentation contains audio, video or unusual files, you must inform to the IMID 2012’s
Program Secretariat ( imid2012@k-ids.or.kr) by August 20, 2012.
b. If you use your own laptop, please inform the IMID staff in your session room to arrange necessary
equipment in advance for your presentation. (Coffee-break time just before your presentation.) |
• Date & Time:
- Poster I: 13:30 ~ 15:10 / August 30, 2012
- Poster II: 13:30 ~ 15:10 / August 31, 2012
• Location: Hall 2, 1st Floor, Exco
• Poster Panel Size: 1.0m in width and 2.4 in height.
• The poster board is self-standing
• Each paper’s code will be shown on the board.
• Tacks and Push-Pins will be provided for your use.
• Use of double-sided tape is prohibited.
• All presenters are required to preside at their poster panel during
the session for anticipated discussion with participants.
A. Please be present in your assigned room at least 10 minutes before the start of your session to introduce yourself
to the speakers in your session. You may find the Speaker Biography on the desk. Please kindly read the material
before starting the session. |
B. As participants may have planned to attend specific presentations, please kindly keep the presentation as
scheduled. Each speaker shall be advised of his responsibility to stay on schedule at the beginning of the session |
C. At the beginning of the session, please kindly;
a) Ask participants to turn off their cell phones.
b) Inform that photograph are not permitted to be taken within the session rooms. |
D. Regarding Introductory Remarks, participants may be interested in a brief summary of the research, design, and
development presented. Also, comments could include short statements on academic honors and degrees which
may be of interest. |
E. Q&A will be conducted for 5 minutes for each presentation. Please inform the participants that the questioner is
to come to the microphones located at the front of the session room to raise questions. |
F. Presentation Time |
i. Invited Talk: 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A
ii. Oral Talk: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A |