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Tutorials and Workshops

The tutorials are aimed to provide introductory courses for the newcomers to the information display technologies and the workshop will provide in-depth analysis on fundamental and recent advances in important display technologies.

Date: 10:00~17:30, Monday, August 26, 2013

  Room 325
(Room A)
Room 324
(Room B)
Room 323
(Room C)
Room 322
(Room D)
10:00~13:00 T1 T3   W1~W3
13:00~14:30 Lunch
14:30~17:30 T2 T4 T5 W4~W5
 Tutorial I (T1) Room 325 (Room A) 
Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors For TFTs and Electron Injection in OLEDs
Prof. Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)
 Tutorial II (T2) Room 325 (Room A) 
Development and Application of a Predictive Opto-Electronic OLED Device Model
Dr. Reinder Coehoorn
(Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands)
 Tutorial III (T3) Room 324 (Room B) 
Toward Soft Electronics with Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
Prof. Young Hee Lee
(Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea)
 Tutorial IV (T4) Room 324 (Room B) 
Fundamentals of Touch Technologies
Mr. Geoff Walker (Intel Corp., USA)
 Tutorial V (T5) Room 323 (Room C) 
Polymer-Stabilized Blue Phase LCDs
Prof. S. T. Wu (Univ. of Central Florida, USA)

 Workshop I (W1) Room 322 (Room D) 
FFS for Mobile Phones and Tablet PCs
Prof. S. H. Lee
(Chonbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea)
 Workshop II (W2) Room 322 (Room D) 
Current Status and Future Prospects of Nitride Semiconductor LEDs and LDs
Prof. Takashi Matsuoka (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
 Workshop III (W3) Room 322 (Room D) 
Status and Opportunities for Phosphorescent OLED Lighting
Dr. M. Hack
(Universal Display Corporation, USA)
 Workshop IV (W4) Room 322 (Room D) 
Novel Applications using TFTs
Prof. Mutsumi Kimura (Ryukoku Univ., Japan)
 Workshop V (W5) Room 322 (Room D) 
Multifunctional Nanoscale Metal Oxide Conductors/Semiconductors
Prof. Elvira Fortunato
(FCT-UNL, Portugal)
Last Updated August 19, 2013