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01. 3D Displays 09. Large Area Displays
02. Active-Matrix Devices 10. LC Technologies
03. Display Circuits, Systems, and Applications 11. Display LEDs and Lighting
04. Display Manufacturing and Equipments 12. Nano Materials and Processes for Displays
05. Emissive Displays and Phosphors 13. OLED Displays and Lighting
06. Flexible Displays and Stretchable Electronics 14. Organic Photovoltaics
07. Green Displays 15. Touch and UX Technologies
08. Image Quality Evaluation and Enhancement    
1. 3D Displays
Technologies for delivering 3 dimension to viewers:
3D Display Systems including Stereoscopic / Autostereoscopic / Multi-view / Super-multi-view / Volumetric / Holographic Displays; 3D Contents Generation including 3D Image Capture and 2D-3D Contents Conversion; User-interaction with 3D Displays; 3D Image Formats and Standards; 3D Image Compressions; Measurement and performance evaluation for 3D Display; Human Factors
02. Active-Matrix Devices
Advances in development and implementation of active-matrix backplanes and all of display & electronic devices with active-matrix backplanes:
Active-Matrix LCDs & OLEDs for TV, Monitor, Note-PC and Mobile Device; Novel and High Performance Active-Matrix Display Devices and System-on-Panel (SOP); Backplane Technology for AMOLED & High Performance LCD; LTPS TFTs; Micro & Nano-crystal Silicon TFTs; Oxide & Transparent TFTs; Organic TFTs; Nano Technology Based TFTs; Solution Based TFTs; other new TFTs
03. Display Circuits, Systems, and Applications
Progresses in driving methods, driving electronics, display panel peripherals, TFT circuits, and system design technologies for display devices and new display applications:
Driving Methods and Circuits for Display Devices; Driver ICs; Image Signal Processors; Image Quality Enhancement Methodologies and Systems; Display Interface Technologies; Touch Panel Technologies and Systems; and All Other Display Circuits, Systems and New Applications
04. Display Manufacturing and Equipments
Driving Methods and Circuits for Display Devices; Driver ICs; Image Signal Processors; Image Quality Enhancement Methodologies and Systems; Display Interface Technologies; Touch Panel Technologies and Systems; and All Other Display Circuits, Systems and New Applications:
New Process Technologies; Thin-Film & Thick Film Deposition; Printing; Patterning; Etching; Treatment and Analysis
05. Emissive Displays and Phosphors
All aspect of emissive displays, devices and materials, including field emission devices and technologies, plasma display and technologies, and phosphors for display application:
Field emission display, Plasma display, Carbon nanotubes for field emission devices, novel devices with plasma technologies, phosphor for photo-luminescence and cathode-luminescence, CCFL for LCD BLUs, Inorganic ELs, CRTs, X-rays, FEDs, PRTs, VFDs and scintillators, Luminous efficacy improvement materials and technologies, Discharge mechanism, Driving schemes for emissive display, General lighting technologies with field emission and plasma discharge technique, Field emission theories, Fabrication process for emissive devices and displays, Evaluation technique for emission materials.
06. Flexible Displays and Stretchable Electronics
All aspects of flexible displays and stretchable electronics:
including advances in organic materials (both small molecules and polymers) and flexible oxide semiconductors, flexible and stretchable substrates, organic and flexible oxide semiconductor devices on the flexible and stretchable substrates and the related fabrication processes including printing process, device physics, measurement and characterization of thin film transistors and sensors, driving methods, various display modes for electronic papers:
07.Green Displays
All aspects of eco-friendly, high light efficiency, and low-power consumption displays including advances in display devices and materials:
All eco-friendly display, including low power consumption and high light efficient displays. Advances in bistable non-emissive display including display mode, driving scheme technology. Eco-friendly processes and material technologies.
08. Image Quality Evaluation and Enhancement
Advances in display image quality evaluation, enhancement, human factors and display measurements:
Image Quality Evaluation; Image Enhancement Algorithms and Technologies; Color Image Processing; Color Management and Control; Display System Performance; Perception; Human Factors; Display Measurements; Display Related Standards; Color in Displays; Characterization of Displays
09. Large Area Displays
All aspects of large area displays which cover all system technologies, devices and related applications:
Projector-based Large Area Display, Rear Projection Display, Flat Panel Display(>70 inch), Laser Panel Display, Laser Scanning Display, Large Area Virtual Display, Large Area Free-form Display, Tiled Display System, Multi-Panel System and Their Components Device.
10. LC Technologies
Advances in the basic research and development of liquid-crystal phenomena, new materials, electro-optical effects, and devices:
Liquid crystal Materials, Modeling, Alignments, Modes and Devices. Advanced LCDs such as High Performance LCDs, Transparent and Reflective LCDs. Novel LCDs such as Blue Phase LCs; Flexoelectric LCs; Biaxial LCs; Ferro-/Antiferro-electric LCs. In addition, Polymer/LC composite Materials and Devices, Other Electro-Optical Devices
11. Display LEDs and Lighting
LEDs for display and Solid-State Lighting:
Advanced materials and epitaxial structure, novel processes, low-cost high-power packaging, and new device designs for high efficiency LEDs.
New development of LED display, solid-state lighting, and LED convergence applications including white LEDs, back-light unit(BLU), substrate, phosphors, optics, heat dissipation, design of processes, characterization/reliability, standardization/certification, photometry, advanced technologies for LED light mixing/driver IC, engine/cooling/optics, andocean/agricultural/medical/IT/bio/smart/automotive lighting modules.
12. Nano Materials and Processes for Displays
Carbon nano materials for transparent electrodes or active materials; Organic semiconductors, dielectrics, electrodes for display; Inorganic and hybrid nano materials for display application; Novel processes for large-area displays and electronics
13. OLED Displays and Lighting
All aspects of advances in the OLED display and lighting technologies:
OLED Materials (Small Molecules, Dendrimers, and Polymers); Device Physics and Characterization including Interfaces; White OLEDs; Tandem OLEDs; OLED Display Manufacturing Issues; Low-Cost Fabrication Processes; Solution Processible Materials; Dopants (p-type and n-type); Electrodes (Low-work Function Cathodes, Transparent Conductors and Graphenes); Encapsulation Technologies; Novel Lighting Systems and Sources; Fluorescent Lamp Lighting Systems; Optical Designs and Methods for Extraction Technologies; Flat Illumination Panels; Illumination Systems; Ambient Lighting, Lighting Measurements; Novel Lighting-Control Technologies
14. Organic Photovoltaics
Advances in the Photovoltaic materials, devices (OPVs, DSSCs, and Hybrid OPVs), low-cost fabrication processes, and related convergence technologies:
Photovoltaic Materials (Organic, Inorganic, and other Hybrid active materials); Device Physics; Interfaces and Contacts; Morphology; Degradation and Lifetime; OPVs; DSSCs; Hybrid OPVs; Low-Cost Large Area Printing Technology; Electrodes (Cathodes and Transparent Conductors); Encapsulation Technologies
15. Touch and UX Technologies
All aspects of recent developments on touch and input technologies including material, component, circuit, system integration, and touch gesture & motion control:
Touch Panel Related Materials, Devices and Systems, Touch Controller Design and Integration, Display-Integrated Touch Systems (In- and On-Cell Touch Panels), Very-Large-Scale Integration of Touch for Consumer Products, Dual- and Multiple-Touch Systems and Their Adoption, Existing, New, and Emerging Touch Applications, Interactive User Interface, New User Interface Technologies with Motion Sensing, Touch Gesture & Feedback.
Last Updated August 27, 2013