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The IMID 2013 Conference awards grants toward a number of students who are in most need and lack financial resources to attend. Successful student grant recipients would receive up to USD 500 upon registering and presenting the paper at the conference.
Student Travel Grant Submission Deadline:  June 30, 2013 (Fri.)
* Please take the following steps to submit your Student Travel Grant.
  (For your convenience, please download and complete the application form in advance.)

• Applicant must register and present their paper at the conference.
• Applicant must be enrolled in a Ph.D. or Masters Degree program outside Korea during the conference period.
How to apply for a travel grant,
1. Apply electronically via online program of IMID 2013 website.
2. The following documents should be prepared for the application:
How to Apply for a Travel Grant

1. Apply electronically via on-line program of IMID 2013 web site.
2. Upload adviser’s recommendation and student identification.

   a. Student Grant Application Form
   b. An official letter from supervisor or department chair stating that you need additional funds to attend the IMID 2013.
   c. Scanned copy of student card
Note: Any scanned documents should be preferably in PDF format.
* The Executive Committee will review all qualified applications. The names of grantee will be posted on the web site in August.
Last Updated August 6, 2013